Monday, March 16, 2009


This is my last post for the day because I got to catch up on maaad work because of this PLACE!!! My trip to Miami was definitely worth the while and I want to thank everybody who was out there to make the trip so good!! Imagining being fried every single night is a hard thing to imagine.. Especially when you hear stories of waking up to more alcohol...But how true it was...lmao. Before your college career is over, you MUST take a trip to this beautiful spot. Yes it is quite crazy but it is an experience you will never forget will want to tell about for the rest of your life!!! Uncle Luke was wylin out there too lmao....Iight I am back to the studies and making up this work...Keep staying tuned into our show every Monday and Friday at 2:00pm to 3:00pm and stay focused on the blog!!!! By the way, Julius Peppers is now on the unfair is that yo....and ALSO....well nevermind Im going to save that post for tomorrow.... Peace and Love Yall!!!!Lastly, check out my brotha from anotha motha's blog out, its quite interesting and helpful for you lost ones!!!!


Artist Spotlight: Sock The Rapper

We all know how different rap and Hip-Hop has been through the years... What I want to come back is the itty gritty lyrics that go so hard they blow ya top off... Well ladies and gentlemen, the time has come and it is approaching at a fast rate. Sock The Rapper is exactly what the game needs to bring back Rap's true identity. His EP, "The Struggle" is dropping MARCH 20th and the concert (which will be in the Underground in the Student Center is going to be BANANAS). Knowing Sock, his ambition and efforts are truly incredible, which is why the songs he has produced for this EP go so hard. I just listened to one of his joints, "Badda Boom"....BANANAS....Check it out for yall selves... ALSOOO!!!!! SOCK WILL BE ON THE RADIO SHOW PROMOTING HIS EP AND THE CONCERT TO FOLLOW THAT SAME NIGHT!!! TUNE IN THIS FRIDAY TO A & A BECAUSE SOCK WILL BE IN THE BUILDING!!!!!HOFFA!!!!LET"S GET IT BABAAYYY!!!!!!!



We are the truth....First it was blowing out #8 Tennessee by a huge margin, then it was #16 Xavier in the A-10 Tournament...Then....IT WAS THE A-10 CHAMPIONSHIP FOR A SECOND YEAR IN A ROW!!! Congrats to the Men's Basketball Team for making s*** happen. Their defense has been on point for the entire year, while Dionte Christmas, Craig Williams, and others helped the team be amongst the best in 3-Point percentage throughout the country. Next up....its Arizona State in the first round of NCAA Tournament!!!! Unfortunately, we wont be able to get a couple of the guys on the radio show for an interview, but we will as soon as the fellas go and grab that title nah mean!!!!!!!!!!LET'S F***ING DANCE BABBBBAAYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Good luck fellas, yall are definitely gunna do the damn thing!


Sunday, March 8, 2009

Military says 12,000 troops to withdraw from Iraq

My co-host and I, Alex, actually have been discussing this topic on a couple of our shows. This is very important because plenty of people (especially the parents and loved ones of soldiers who have been dying overseas) have been expressing their thoughts on why we are still in Iraq. Of course there was plenty of speculations from thinking we were there for the oil refinery, to take out Sadaam, and just to start trouble (Oh Say Can You See!!!!). But the bottom line is, it is about that time to start getting troops out and that is exactly what President Obama has begun to do. Some 12,000 troops will be pulled from Iraq over the next six months as part of a gradual troop withdrawal in the region, the U.S. military said in a statement Sunday. 4,000 British soldiers will be pulled out as well, which is part pf the plan as well. A lot of people and political scientists have compared this situation to Vietnam, which drew a lot of similarities. Again, it is just important that troops are going to be able to come home to their families and loved ones and out of Iraq for good (big shout out to my fraternity brother Derrick Isaacs, who is over in Iraq as we currently speak). Our prayers go out to all the soldiers present in Iraq, to the lost soldiers and their families, and to the innocent people in Iraq who have lost their lives to the bloodshed and chaos. God Bless.


Diesel Time Pieces

When it comes to a quality watch, of course a lot of guys look for the classic black band and conservative type of look. But why not change up ya style just a tad??? Diesel Watches are just that solution, with the latest and craziest designs in the watch game, that still seem to stay conservative at the same time. The thick and big band is now in style, where it adds plenty of swag and uniqueness to one's sense of fashion. I love the big band look because it is very stylish and it helps your time piece shine without question. In regards to the Rolex era and the Fossil look, I feel its not as conservative as when they were first established. IT IS TIME FOR CHANGE!!! HAHA......If you want to find more of these excellent accessories, check out Nordstrom. com and you are not a fan of Diesel watches, but ARE a fan of the big band, check out Arnette watches as well. "And that's all I have to say about that..." (In my Tom Hanks voice...Sorry I watched Forrest Gump last night..CLASSIC lmao)


Friday, March 6, 2009


HEEEEEE'SSSSS BAAAACCCCCCKKKKKK.........The Dream is back in action with his newest album Love Vs. Money. This album definitely has a different feel than Love Vs. Hate, which is pretty interesting. With the same producers by his side (Los Da Mystro and Tricky Strewart) and the addition of Lil' Jon, The Dream has brought back sexy once again with that 80's type of feel. This album flows in a similar sense as Love/Hate, continuing through the symphony type motions allowing each song to flow into the next (I loved this type of concept forLove/Hate; it is very similar with Love/Money). He has quoted that the album will be like the first, but like the first one on crack. If you got Spring Break (M.I.YAYO!!!!!) or you just want to vibe for the time being, definitely cop this album. Its smooth flow and intelligent lyrics (you know Dream's concepts are always new and fresh) will keep you on ya heels waiting for more. His singles like, "Rockin That Thang", "My Love", and "Walking On The Moon" are only samples of what this album has in store for ya (Kelly's 12 Play is BANANAS). With the official release of the album set for March 10th, this may be another instant classic Dream will have to add to his collection. RollingStone already gave the album 4 1/2 stars. Do the damn thing homie.


Monday, March 2, 2009

Ryan Leslie Making "Gibberish"

Damn......That's all I can say to this. Ryan Leslie is a brilliant type dude, especially when he made the beat to his song "Gibberish". Just the way he went about doing so was amazing. His musical talents are beyond a lot of what we see from some producers who stick to the same basic 808s and hard bumpin' rhythms. Ryan Leslie brings in the smooth feel of Soul and R & B, with a mix of horns, drums, keyboards, pianos, and his vocals. Just check the video out....It's bananas.


Sunday, March 1, 2009

Up And Coming Artist: Vanache

Had to come through with yet another post. If you haven't heard of this man yet, you definitely be in the very near future. As an up and coming producer/rapper/fashion designer, Vanache has been making a name for himself up and down the East Coast. Being influenced by many greats, his style and swag is unique and unlike any other. His production style mainly utilizes a combination of studio & virtual instruments, to create a signature sound that is futuristic, soulful, and organic. He has been working on possible beats for 112, Slim, and other artists amongst the East Coast, where the chance of gaining success is pretty high. Personally hearing these beats, it is unlike a sound I have heard from any producer thus far. Many producers have started to try and incorporate this futuristic/soulful type flow, which some have succeeded (Tricky Stewart is a good example of this type of genre). But Vanache's sound is unlike others, still taking it above and beyond, where new sounds come in and out that blow your mind away. Being a producer is not his only profession; he also raps and has a clothing line, Rebels of Fortune. He is dropping a mixtape real soon, which will be self-produced and rapped on (hmmmm....reminds me of another heavyweight in the game). His blog is also on and poppin, which I definitely check out a lot to see what the man has up his sleeves! Check it out : Knowing this man personally, he has plenty of ambition and talent to be amongst the heavy hitters in the hip-hop environment.

He also will be on the show sometime within the near future!!! I will keep yall posted with that status.


Artist Spotlight: Drake

Ladies and Gentlemen, please excuse my absence from posting on the blog. I have been running around and what not. I also still have not recovered from our party this past Friday LMAO (We will definitely be talking about that on the show tomorrow). But I'M BACK with the latest post... Now I know you music heads who are heavy into finding the newest, best, acts and talents are already WAYYYYY ahead of me. But I still had to shout out the yung bol' DRAKE.... Drake is an singer/rapper/actor who has hit the scene real hard. He grew up in Canada, which he first hit the scene playing Jimmy Brooks on the TV Series Degrassi: The Next Generation. Honestly, I am just behind on s***, which I knew he has been pretty big around the country. But as an artist, he has molded into a one two punch type combo, where he raps and sings on his own tracks, which come out sounding on point. A lot of artists attempt to rap when they are truly singers (i.e. Chris Brown, Ne-Yo, Trey Songz, Lloyd) and there are rappers who try and sing (Lil Wayne, Kanye West) throughout their careers. But Drake is by far the best at mixing the two genres together. With his lyrics on an ultimate swag, the transformation from R & B setting to the grit of raw lyrics is pretty simple for dude. There were rumors that Drake was signed to Young Money Entertainment, which he confirmed he was only affiliated with Lil Wayne's Label. He has confirmed that he is signed to Interscope Records. Check out his single Replacement Girl Featuring Trey Songz (For those of you who are behind like me, because nearly three million people have viewed this single on YouTube lmao; damn I feel so behind) and his single Friends With Money Featuring Lil Wayne. Look out for his debut album, Thank Me Later coming out in the very near future...Drake keep doing you big homie
