What's Going On Ladies and Gents???
On behalf of W.H.I.P. Temple University's Student Run Radio Station....... We would like to welcome you to the official blog! We are still under heavy construction with the blog, but it will be fully functional pretty soon. We are trying to be as global as possible!
If you have not heard our show yet, we will be bringing yall the latest events on campus and doing it with a passion; we are here to cater to the student body. Along with keeping Temple's community interactive, we will be touching on current news, sports, and the latest Hip-Hop to hit the public (YOU'LL HEAR IT FIRST ON OUR SHOW).
A lot of people have recently telling us that the information about the organizations that we dish out have actually been beneficial. This blog is not so much for us, but for you as student pioneers and leaders to post on here updates from your own organizations! We will be having a post strictly for organization updates, and you all could post anything you want that will get your org or promotion team out there!
Through this blog, we will also be keeping you up to date with new hip-hop, current news, fashion, and anything that flows into the mix. We GOT YALLLL!!!!! Definitely confirm to the facebook group as well, where you can post updates on events through the discussion board.
Here is the link: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=54229710682&ref=ts
Confirm and thanks for all the support!!!!
LASTLY (FOR NOW HAHAHA): Listen to our show every Monday and Friday at 2:00pm to 3:00pm on www.temple.edu/whip! Just click on the LIVE FEED Box and YOU IN THEREEE!!!!!!!!!!!